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Lights, Camera, Action!

The screens that people use to watch videos have transitioned from television, to computer, to mobile devices over the past couple of decades. Watching videos on our mobile devices have become second nature to us, in fact studies have shown that in 2019 on average, people spend 84 minutes a day watching online videos. With…

Cookies: How effective are they in 2020?

In the modern age of digital marketing, cookies have been a vital tool in collecting data from online customers. Although its role is discrete, cookies is arguably one of the most significant innovations within the digital marketing realm. However,  An internet cookie is a packet of data that’s sent between a website and a user’s…

Augmented Reality: The Future of Ecommerce?

As someone who loves shopping, there’s something about the experience of going to a store and being able to touch and try on the products that you see. Sadly due to the current ongoing pandemic, such experiences will have to be put on hold… or do they?  With technology constantly evolving in our world, it…

Creativity During Crisis

Due to the recent changes as a result of the global pandemic, there has been a devastating impact on brands and companies around the world. It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major repercussions to many major retailers, many of which were forced to close down their factories, layoff employees, and even as…

Intelligence in the Machine

Artificial intelligence. What was once thought to only exist within the fictional world has become a reality and is currently moving into our everyday lives. Artificial intelligence is essentially the development of computer systems to be able to execute tasks that usually require human intellect, this includes visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between…

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