Creativity During Crisis

Due to the recent changes as a result of the global pandemic, there has been a devastating impact on brands and companies around the world. It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major repercussions to many major retailers, many of which were forced to close down their factories, layoff employees, and even as far as having to file for bankruptcy.

Furthermore, a number of fashion weeks and major events such as the Met Gala and Australia Fashion Week, were either postponed indefinitely or cancelled, resulting in many big brands and designers unable to showcase their latest season of fashion. However, despite the restrictions fashion brands and designers have improvised and resorted to technology to display their work and collections to avoid holding in person shows.

Giorgio Armani Fashion Runway Show 2020

As Youtube is currently the largest most accessible video platform, many brands/designers have opted to showcase their runway shows through livestreaming on Youtube’s fashion platform. This included the likes of Tom Ford, Vivienne Westowod, Giorgio Armani, Tommy Hilfiger among others. 

On the other hand, some designers have seen this opportunity to show their creativity and use technology to their advantage. One such case is shown in Steven Tai’s autumn/winter 2020 collection, in which he uses 3D technology to show his designs online, allowing viewers to get a full 360 view of each piece. This technology allows viewers to see the full view of each individual piece unlike video livestream which only gives viewers a two dimensional perspective of the garments. 

Steven Tai 2020 collection

Hong Kong based designer Anaïs Jourden has turned to virtual technology to display their new collection featured alongside Nike sneakers and apparel. Animation artists were hired to style virtual models which were brought to life onto a large screen inside an auditorium. 

Although there is an obvious negative impact on the fashion industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it may seem that brands and designers have been pushed to stretch their imaginations and utilise all the technological resources around them in order to draw attention to their designs and collections. This may have accelerated the development of technology within the fashion industry.

What technology do you want to see used within the fashion industry in the future? How can it be implemented?

3 thoughts on “Creativity During Crisis

  1. Great article there! I think VR shopping would be pretty interesting especially at times like these with a lockdown going on. Brands will have to move online to a virtual store so that customers can choose to shop their favourite stores from wherever they are without compromising on the store experience.

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